Mango Butter: Ultra Refined


Mango Butter is extracted from mango tree, scientifically known as Manifera indica. It well grows in sub tropical regions of India, Burma.and also in other parts of globe as well. Mango butter is rich in content of C 18:0 and C18:1 fatty acids and rich in anti oxidants such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E & Vitamin C.

Extraction –
Mango butter ultra-refined is extracted by collecting fruit kernel of Manifera indica  tree , then dried fruit kernel in sun light for de-shelling or decortications , mango butter is obtained  by expeller pressed method , mango butter is further proceed for refining to remove color and scent; luscious, creamy white butter is finally extracted.

Properties –
It is natural emollient as it smoothen and soften the skin, highly moisturizing, soft in texture, Semi solid in consistency .
It is soft solid at ambient temperature but immediately melts in contact with skin or warm temperature
It is pale yellow solid fat in appearance and slightly in odor.

It is soluble with cosmetic esters, hot vegetable oil etc.

Composition –
It contains high content of fatty acid such as oleic acid, stearic acid, Palmitic, Linoleic, aracinidic.

Mango butter ultra refined is highly moisturizing and natural emollient property which makes it great for skin care products applications so its recommended usage in –

  • Bar Soaps
  • Sun skin care
  • Facial
  • Foot care
  • Hand and body care
  • Hair and scalp conditioners
  • Lotions & Creams
  • Body balms and lip balms
  • Scrubs
  • Body butter

It prevents skin disorder such as wrinkles, acne, eczema and psoriasis.
It is used in treatment of burns, stretch marks, scar..
It is used in nourishing of hair and conditioning of dry or distressed hair.


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