Lemon oil is an essential oil used worldwide in cleaners, key ingredients in drinks and food and many others health benefits. Lemon treats stress, fever, infections, obesity, stomach issues, tiredness, asthma, insomnia, skin problems and hair conditions
How Does Lemon Oil Work?
Lemon oil can be added to foods and beverages, or applied topically on your skin or on surfaces. Below are some ways on how lemon oil works its magic.
Adding two to three drops of lemon oil to tea or warm water can help relieve sore throat.
Applying a few drops of lemon oil to your nails can strengthen them. It may also help kill nail fungus.
Applying a drop or two of lemon oil behind your ears can calm you down.
Applying two to three drop of lemon oil to cold sores, calluses, or blisters daily can help remove them.
Using one to two drops of lemon oil can help remove stains due to oil, grease, and crayon marks.
One to two drops of lemon oil can help sterilize countertops and surfaces.
Soaking dishcloths overnight in water with a drop of lemon oil can disinfect them.
Rubbing lemon oil on your hands can help sanitize them.
Apply a few drops of lemon oil on cotton balls and use on your skin for cleansing.
Use lemon oil in a diffuser to spread its fruity scent.
When inhaled, lemon oil can help improve mood