Calamus is a herbaceous aquatic plant which is scientifically known as Acorus calamus. Calamus plant is well grows in damp marshy place & watery and it native regions are Europe and Asia and popularly grown in Manipur and the Naga Hills of India and edges of lakes. Calamus plant grows up to 3 feet with sword shaped leaves and having green yellowish flower. Calamus oil is known for its health benefits.
Calamus oil is obtained from fresh or dried roots of Acorus calamus herb through steam distillation.
It is composed of acorenone, α- calacorene, α-aselines, calamendiol, β gurjunene, camphone, iso shyobunone, shyobunone.
Calamus oil is yellowish brown in color. It is sweet and refreshing in aroma.
Calamus oil is well blends with cedar wood, clary sage, labdanum, lavender, marjoram, olibanum, oregano, patchouli rosemary, ylang ylang etc.
Calamus oil is used in aromatherapy as it uplift mood and provide positivity in mind.
- It helps in alleviate memory difficulty problem, alertness, increase concentration and provide relieve in anxiety, stress and tension.
- It is an ingredient for anointing oil.
- It increase blood circulation to the brain and also provide relieve in dizziness, anxiety, stress and tension.
- It is helpful in reducing gastrointestinal inflammation.
- It is used to heal wounds.
- It provides relief in rheumatoid and arthritis as it reduce pain of joints and redness.
- It is used as insecticide as it prevents or repels insects from troubling cattle.
- It stimulates nervous system and improve functioning of nervous system.
- It is used in treatment of insomnia as it provide asleep.
- It is used for treatment of fever as it helps in reducing body’s core temperature.
- It is effective against digestive disorders as it reduces stomach acidity and increase stomach secretions.
- It is used as ingredient in perfume industry.
- It has antibacterial and antibiotic property used to fight against infections both internally and externally.
- It helps in relaxing of all sorts of spasm.
- β-Asarone and α Asarone provide sedative and anti-oxidant property respectively, help in reducing oxidative stress
Safety and Precaution:
Avid use of calamus oil during pregnancy or breast feeding as it has carcinogenic effect on ingested.
Do not use in highly concentrated, as it may induce hallucination and convulsion.