Aloe Vera is a succulent plant belongs to Liliaceae Family and a species of Aloe Genus, which is shrubby, xerophytic & stem less plant which grows up to 60-100 cm tall, it takes approximately 4 years to mature and its flowers are yellow in colour. Aloe Vera leaves are thick and fleshy that have spikes along with edges. Aloe Vera Plant widely grows as ornamental plant, agriculture and medicinal uses.
Cultivation –
Aloe Vera plants are cultivated in well drained, sandy potting soil and bright or sunny condition.
Aloe Vera gel is extracted by chopping or slicing the thick leaves from aloe Vera plant. Aloe Vera leaf slices secretes Gel.
Aloe Vera nicely blends with all essential oils such as – lemon, honey, coconut oil etc
Aloe Vera gel appears viscous, colorless, transparent liquid which is odorless and slightly bitter in taste.
Composition –
Aloe Vera contains primarily water and polysaccharides , 75 constituents such as vitamins -A, C, E, enzymes, amino acids, lipids, sterols, glycosides, Glucomannans, anthraquinones etc.
Aloe Vera is useful in treatment of skin problems such as acne, sunburn, eczema, skin blister, itching psoriasis etc. by its healing property as it contains antioxidants, nutrition.
Aloe Vera helps in improvement of skin firmness and keeps the skin hydrated so it can be used as Anti-aging agent.
Aloe Vera used as a moisturizer for oily skin, as it provide greasy feeling on skin.
Aloe Vera reduce cholesterol and triglycerides
It boosts oxygenation in blood.
It prevents kidney stones and also halts growth of cancer, tumors.
Aloe Vera contain phytoharmones – auxins and gibberellins, which provide relief in inflammation as it act as anti-inflammatory and promote new cell growth.
It is also helpful in lessens of visibility of stretch marks by its healing capacity.
It is helpful in various gum diseases like Gingivitis, petrodonties as it reduces bleeding, inflammation and swelling of gums.
It is good for health as it has nutritional property.
It also improves digestion and relieves in ulcers and useful in any kind of stomach trouble,
It is useful in treatment of Arthritis and rheumatism.
Aloe Vera contains proteolytric enzymes which repairs dead skins on scalp and make hair all smooth and shiny.
Aloe Vera also has anti diabetic property as it stabilizes blood sugar in diabetic patient.
Aloe Vera has pain relief action on muscle and joints.
It is used in treatment of constipation, prevents colon cancer, heals intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
Safety and Precaution-
- Do not take while allergic to garlic, onion, tulip etc, as it may cause rash, itching or hives.
- First consult to doctor and expert practioner in condition of pregnancy or planning to become pregnant or breast feeding.