Aloe Lead Powder Spray Dried



Aloe leaf powder is highly concentrated form of aloe Vera which is isolated from leaf of Aloe barbadensis plant. It is cultivated in Northern Africa arid climates, America, Europe & Asia. It is used in O.T.C. Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutraceuticals.


Aloe leaf powdered is extracted from freshly harvested leaves of the Aloe barbadensis, then gel or fillet is carefully removed to minimize the aloin traces, extracted gel is processed – pasteurized and concentrated by utilizing low temperature evaporation to produce liquid concentrate, then hot air is passed to liquid for spray drying. Then obtained powder is ready for packaging.

Property –

It is light cream to pale sandy in appearance. It is homogenous and uniform powder. It has bland taste, slightly vegetables in odor. It is water soluble.


It contains salicyclates, acemannan, anti oxidants such as Vitamin-C & other minerals as well.


  • Aloe leaf powder is used in Cosmetics, Soaps because of its nutritional and healing properties.
  • Recommended Usage- Soaps, Toners, Skin cleansers, Body lotions, Powder, Talc’s, Sunscreen, Conditioners, Shampoos & dandruff removing shampoo, Aloe Vera creams, Face wash, Toothpaste, Facial moisturizers.
  • It is an ingredient of bath tea.
  • It is used in creams to reduce inflammation.
  • It is used to prepare gels, which is used in pain relief and to promote healing.
  • It is also used in massage oils.
  • Aloe Vera powder is also added in ointments.

Safety and Precautions-

Avoid aloe leaf powder during pregnancy and breast feeding.

Keep away from reach of children, might cause stomach pain, cramp & diarrhea.

It might affects blood sugar level so avoid aloe in Diabetes & in Surgery.


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